Fulton County’s Deputy Chief Operating Officer for Infrastructure Ellis Kirby recently earned the Achievement in Facilities Management Award from the International Facility Management Association’s Atlanta chapter.
In September, Kirby assumed his current role, moving up from serving as the Director of the Department of Real Estate and Asset Management. In that role, he took over a department that was undervalued, lacking direction and inconsistently engaged, and in shorter order, he engaged the team to focus on customer service and process improvement. He launched two key changes that prompted a departmental mindset shift: engaging the leadership team in a partnership with Ken Blanchard’s Legendary Customer Service and the designation of a departmental senior manager to lead the performance improvement process.
In addition to cultural changes, Kirby spearheaded the development and is currently leading the implementation of a $90 million bond program to improve key facilities and infrastructure that has been neglected for years. His team is also leading the second phase of the library capital plan along with critical capital improvements for senior centers and other county facilities.
“We have greatly improved customer service through a focus on improving our communications and processes,” Kirby said. “We have also been fortunate to be provided with capital funding to make lifetime improvements to our facilities. The combination is driving impactful first impressions along with improving the atmosphere in our facilities for our residents and employees. It starts with a motivated and engaged staff, so I am thankful that our team has been up to the challenge.”
His leadership helped the department see increases in: customer satisfaction; facility maintenance key performance indicators; employee satisfaction, and facility improvement resources.
“First and foremost, this is really a recognition of the incredible journey for this department that began with my predecessor,” said Kirby. “I am very humbled and honored for this DREAM team recognition."