Junior District Attorney Program

Junior District Attorney Program

The Office of the Fulton County District Attorney is the largest and busiest prosecutor’s office in Georgia, led by Fani T. Willis, the first woman District Attorney for Fulton County. Currently, the office is accepting applications for the Junior DA Program.

The Fulton County District Attorney’s Office is looking forward to rolling out the 2021 Junior DA Summer Youth Program.

The Youth Program accepts 6th to 9th graders from Atlanta and Fulton County public schools. The students meet weekly and are exposed to various components of the criminal justice system. They will also have a unique opportunity to meet and interact with government officials throughout Fulton County.

The goal is to provide students with a basic understanding of the criminal justice system and familiarize them with how it works. 

Click here for the application.
Deadline is June 18, 2021.


Junior District Attorney Program

Participation Application

General Information


Submit a paragraph that explains why you should be accepted into the Junior DA Program

If my child is accepted, I agree to fully participate and commit to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office Junior DA Program guidelines.