Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Board of Commissioners Meeting is underway. You can watch live on FGTV. Click here to view the meeting agenda.
The Board of Commissioners Meeting is underway. You can watch live on FGTV. Click here to view the meeting agenda.
On May 2, 2022, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners (“Board”) approved expenditure of the American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) funding as outlined in the Summer Youth Job Training Program Resolution (Agenda Item #22-0328). ARPA Summer Youth Job Training funding will be awarded to community-based organizations working with Fulton County Youth disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences.
Assistance to Unemployed Workers
Programs and services include assistance to unemployed workers, including services like job training to accelerate rehiring of unemployed workers; these services may extend to workers unemployed due to the pandemic or the resulting recession, or who were already unemployed when the pandemic began and remain so due to the negative economic impacts of the pandemic.
ARPA Summer Youth Job Training Funding Priorities
Respondents to the RFP will be required to propose programming and services that address a minimum of one ARPA Summer Youth Job Training funding priority.
Summer Youth Job Training Priorities
1. Training/Job Development/Employment in strategic industries which leads to self-sufficiency.
2. Access to digital literacy / training for middle skill jobs including “earn and learn” models which allow job seekers to meet basic needs while training to enter living wage jobs.
3. In-Demand Career Exploration and re-engagement with educational systems by opportunity youth.
4. Wraparound Support to address basic needs during training.
ARPA Summer Youth Job Training Performance Measures
Respondents to the RFP will be required to select and report on a minimum of one ARPA Summer Youth Job Training performance measure.
Summer Youth Job Training County defined performance measures
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to apply for ARPA Summer Youth Job Training funding, organizations must:
Operational Specifications:
Application Submission Reminders:
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